Sinkhole Collapase Due to Groundwater Pumpage
Article, "How Dangerous Is Pesticide Drift?" Article, "Living VERY close to pesticide-laden agricultural lands" Pesticides 101 The Problem of Leaching |
When a water permit holder makes a well go dry due to pumping to much water it is the responsibility of the permit holder to . . . .
If a well within that permit holder’s mitigation area is unable to draw water as a result of permit holder withdrawals and the well predates the farming activity, the permit holder is required to provide water to the affected well owner and to repair or provide reimbursement for the well.
Regarding Pesticide Poisoning?....
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for the Poisoning, Illness or Death due to a Pesticides going in to the Pools, Ponds, Schools, School Areas, Community Recreational Areas/Buildings, WATER SUPPLY, etc.? HOW do you give someone back a death, back their life, back their health or send the bill to?
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for the Poisoning, Illness or Death due to a Pesticides going in to the Pools, Ponds, Schools, School Areas, Community Recreational Areas/Buildings, WATER SUPPLY, etc.? HOW do you give someone back a death, back their life, back their health or send the bill to?
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Are there Health Risks Associated with Phosphate?
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